Friday, 31 May 2013

Q- Day

'Q' for Quiz

quiz, vb.  -ask (someone) questions

Saturday, 4th May (Such a long time ago now, sorry for the massive delay!) 'Q' stood for QUIZ. In this instance, I would be quizzing myself, taking some personality type quizzes to see who the internet thought I was!

The first quiz I took was a rather long one and the results seemed mostly inconclusive, telling me that I was somewhere in the middle of the categories and am 'like most people.' Although, it did make one correct conclusion, 'Your answers suggest that you don't like having things too structured or being tied down and you can cope quite well without having to to have everything organised. This may make it hard to find things at times...'

I am also supposedly most like Pocahontas, Bugs Bunny, Homer Simpson, Jacob Black, and a clown, oh, and apparently have no administrative abilities. In conclusion, the internet has told me that I am a fun, friendly, playful, stubborn, free spirited young woman who likes to make fun of herself, loves adventure, excitement, being around others, privacy, donuts, spider pig and has a passionate spirit, a cheerful smile, a temper that is difficult to control and relates to people with laughter... sound about right? 

The internet has spoken!

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