Thursday, 2 May 2013

N- Day

'N' for Narrate

narrate, vb.  -provide a spoken commentary to accompany something

On Wednesday, (the first day of May... already!) 'N' stood for NARRATE and so I set off on my journey to provide commentary for the day!

The 1st of May is the annual day of the May dip! A time where the majority of St Andrews students take to the East Sands beach and run into the sea around sun rise. So, I left halls at 4.30 am and walked to the beach with Vera. When it was just the 2 of us, it was quite easy to provide a narration, especially when Vera's the kind of person who just goes along with it and joins in!

The craziness of the beach made me temporarily forget to be narrating the activities! I luckily ran into some fellow korfers and so we ran into the freezing North sea together as the sun was rising, creating a beautiful red sky! Coming out, we hurried to the nearest bonfire to try and warm our numb limbs and dry off!

Once the sun had fully risen, and most people had left the beach, I helped out with the clear up and so left around 7 once we had finished. Ollie had so kindly let me, Vera and Jason go to his for breakfast, narrating the way back from the beach was apparently slightly annoying for Ollie, which probably made me and Vera enjoy it that little bit more!

Being up at such a ridiculous time meant that I was sleeping a lot of the day, so the narrating became slightly sporadic, but I did do it, and it turned out to actually be a good way of explaining yourself in an odd situation that I might not have ordinarily had the chance to explain myself, such as the time some of us trapped Jemima in a group bear hug so that she couldn't escape...

And so, the reader finished reading the post for N- Day, hoping that some of the days left in the project would be more interesting, Sasha agreed. And they all lived happily ever after as Narrate day drew to a close.

The North Sea is FREEZING!!

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