Friday 31 May 2013

Q- Day

'Q' for Quiz

quiz, vb.  -ask (someone) questions

Saturday, 4th May (Such a long time ago now, sorry for the massive delay!) 'Q' stood for QUIZ. In this instance, I would be quizzing myself, taking some personality type quizzes to see who the internet thought I was!

The first quiz I took was a rather long one and the results seemed mostly inconclusive, telling me that I was somewhere in the middle of the categories and am 'like most people.' Although, it did make one correct conclusion, 'Your answers suggest that you don't like having things too structured or being tied down and you can cope quite well without having to to have everything organised. This may make it hard to find things at times...'

I am also supposedly most like Pocahontas, Bugs Bunny, Homer Simpson, Jacob Black, and a clown, oh, and apparently have no administrative abilities. In conclusion, the internet has told me that I am a fun, friendly, playful, stubborn, free spirited young woman who likes to make fun of herself, loves adventure, excitement, being around others, privacy, donuts, spider pig and has a passionate spirit, a cheerful smile, a temper that is difficult to control and relates to people with laughter... sound about right? 

The internet has spoken!

P- Day

'P' for Party

party, n.  -a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving, eating, drinking and entertainment.

On Friday the 3rd of May, we thought it would be fun for 'P' to stand for PARTY! The plan was to party it up in the Lizard that night as a sort of welcome back for Amy (who'd been in Spain) and just a general party because it was P- Day and I had never been to the Lizard before! 

To start the day off with a party feel, some of us ended up staying on the beach until half 3 on Friday morning, which resulted in me going to bed with very red bonfire eyes and a room smelling sickeningly of smoke! 

Unfortunately, when it came down to it, I felt I didn't have enough people to go with me to my first ever visit to the Lizard, so I made an executive decision to call it off and have a mini party in my room instead! This didn't get off to the best start ever as we walked to Tesco to get some supplies, only to get to the till and realise I didn't have my card on me, so had to walk back to halls to get it, then back to Tesco again, then finally back to halls where we could have some kind of party. 

My 'party' had a grand total of 6 guests (including me!) but it did involve eating, drinking and entertainment and so definitely came under the definition of a party! There was even party headgear, party poppers, balloons, cake, and candles spelling 'P Day'... how exciting.

Party on!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

O- Day

'O' for Opposite

opposite, n.  -a person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else.

When you were a kid (or at least at my primary school anyway) every now and then, you or one of your friends would decide they were in the mood for an opposite day. So I decided to try and re-live some of my childhood and let 'O' stand for OPPOSITE. Let the confusion begin!

When people asked me, "what day is it today?" I would tell them, "it's not opposite day..." Which was confusing to begin with because was I telling them it wasn't opposite day or was I really telling them it was opposite day but because it was opposite day I had to tell them it wasn't opposite day... I don't know! Well... I did know, but no one else did.

It was an interesting experience for the time I kept it up, telling people I had done loads of revision, saying I was feeling horrible, and casually dropping in to the conversation that I hate the person I'm talking to, which, of course I meant the opposite of, but to anyone eavesdropping I must have sounded very blunt... and mean... and lacking in social skills.

The day ended with a wonderful home group beach bbq and bonfire which was awesome! I mean it really was awesome, 'cos it's not opposite day anymore, so I'm telling the truth, seriously. It was complete with sausages, home made burgers, ribs, even a bottle of prosecco (only in St Andrews) and strawberry racing! Well, we roasted the strawberries, but on the phone with the wind and all, I definitely heard Steve tell me they were racing strawberries, not roasting them... which is probably more weird on my half for just accepting that they were racing strawberries without asking questions... but anyway, that was O- Day.

soooooo behind with this, oopsy!

Thursday 2 May 2013

N- Day

'N' for Narrate

narrate, vb.  -provide a spoken commentary to accompany something

On Wednesday, (the first day of May... already!) 'N' stood for NARRATE and so I set off on my journey to provide commentary for the day!

The 1st of May is the annual day of the May dip! A time where the majority of St Andrews students take to the East Sands beach and run into the sea around sun rise. So, I left halls at 4.30 am and walked to the beach with Vera. When it was just the 2 of us, it was quite easy to provide a narration, especially when Vera's the kind of person who just goes along with it and joins in!

The craziness of the beach made me temporarily forget to be narrating the activities! I luckily ran into some fellow korfers and so we ran into the freezing North sea together as the sun was rising, creating a beautiful red sky! Coming out, we hurried to the nearest bonfire to try and warm our numb limbs and dry off!

Once the sun had fully risen, and most people had left the beach, I helped out with the clear up and so left around 7 once we had finished. Ollie had so kindly let me, Vera and Jason go to his for breakfast, narrating the way back from the beach was apparently slightly annoying for Ollie, which probably made me and Vera enjoy it that little bit more!

Being up at such a ridiculous time meant that I was sleeping a lot of the day, so the narrating became slightly sporadic, but I did do it, and it turned out to actually be a good way of explaining yourself in an odd situation that I might not have ordinarily had the chance to explain myself, such as the time some of us trapped Jemima in a group bear hug so that she couldn't escape...

And so, the reader finished reading the post for N- Day, hoping that some of the days left in the project would be more interesting, Sasha agreed. And they all lived happily ever after as Narrate day drew to a close.

The North Sea is FREEZING!!

M- Day

'M' for Miscellaneous 

miscellaneous, adj.  -composed of or containing a variety of things; mixed, varied

When M- Day came around, I wasn't too sure what to do as I hadn't planned anything during the previous lazy day! And so, MISCELLANEOUS day was born! I could pretty much do whatever I wanted and it would count, but I did try and do things beginning with 'M' to fit with the day.

If M- Day had happened to fall 1 day later, I could have made it into 'May dip day,' but it didn't fall one day later... so I couldn't really make it 'May dip day,' sad times... but I guess I did prepare for the may dip, so that's something that contributed to the miscellaneousness of the day. (More about May dip tomorrow when I will have hopefully actually done it!) 

I did various things beginning with 'M,' such as watch MOVIES, listened to MUSIC, wore MAKE-UP, went to the CU end of year barbecue... for a MEAL... that definitely counts right? It was lovely weather for a barbecue too which made the evening so much better, I even risked wearing a summer dress, which maybe was a bit too risky, this is Scotland after all... Sun does not always equal warmth! Even though my legs were getting rather chilly, it was still lovely to relax on the grass eating burgers and sausages with friends and then going to stand by the barbecues to sneakily steal their heat!

Well, M- Day marks the half way point of the project, and going off the last 2 days, it probably looks as though it's going down-hill! Lets hope it starts to pick up again for the second half!

13 days down, 13 days to go!

L- Day

'L' for Lazy

lazy, adj.  -characterised by lack of effort or activity

I guess I didn't reeaallyy deserve a lazy day, but after a weekend of korfball and jumping into the sea, I felt I would go ahead and have a day where 'L' stood for LAZY! I could have a lie-in and a guilt free day of not really doing much before revision starts.

I meant for the alphabet project to be a positive experience and an excuse to do new things and have a good time, so having a lazy day didn't really fit in with that... but I was tired, so sleeping in until lunch felt good! 

There isn't much I can say about L- Day because I didn't do a lot... I did however go to the SAKC (St Andrews Korfball Club) awards in the evening, which was a lot of fun, eating food, having a laugh and  saying goodbye to the leavers. So it was quite a nice day, and hopefully I will be re-energised for the rest of the alphabet!

So lazy, there isn't even a picture!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

J- Day

'J' for Jump

jump, vb.  -to spring off the ground or other base by a muscular effort of the legs and feet

On Sunday, 'J' stood for JUMP! The aim was for it to be a rather energetic day, jumping up and down stairs, through doorways and of course, doing the pier jump!

First of all I was off to Church in the morning, a great service and jumping up and down the spiral stairs was also a fun experience! Trying to convince people to join me doing the pier jump later that day was not so successful, but in the end Jon and Helena were the ones brave enough to jump with me! 

We got to the pier sometime around 5.15pm, I hadn't been nervous about it until Jon had done some fun impressions of how I would probably react to the cold water, which looked more like someone having a seizure... I was now nervous... a little. With a small audience of friends and cameras, the pressure was on to jump! The 3 of us ran and jumped in together... and it turned out to be so much fun, we got out... and jumped in again! LOTE! (for those of you that don't know, 'LOTE' stands for Living On The Edge and is totally the new, fresher, upcoming version of YOLO... it WILL catch on... someday... maybe)

I have to say, if there is any student in St Andrews who hasn't already done the pier jump, you definitely need to get round to doing it, it's a great experience! Just make sure you have a towel, warm clothes and some supportive, helpful friends for when you get out!!