Sunday, 28 April 2013

H- Day

'H' for High-Five

high five, n.  -a gesture of greeting, elation, or victory in which one person slaps an upraised palm against that of another person

On Thursday, 'H' stood for HIGH FIVE. I was hoping it would be a day of fun high five greetings, high fiving random people on the street and going to bed with a sore hand from all the awesome high fives... but that didn't exactly happen :(

There was just something about H- Day that made it the first day of my project that I kept forgetting what day it was! I wouldn't high five anyone until someone happened to ask me what day it was and then I would remember and do a quick high five of everyone in the room. It was very upsetting! There was no 'lots of people stood in a line with their hands out ready for me to run down and high five them all', and what is a high five day without that?!

So High five day wasn't very successful, I didn't go to bed with a sore hand, and I didn't even count how many high fives I actually did get in the end! On the plus side, there was a beautiful, bright, large moon on thursday night! If only I could have high fived the moon...

At least Ice cream day is next!

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