Monday, 29 April 2013

K- Day

'K' for Korfball

Korfball, n.  -a mixed gender team sport, with similarities to basketball and netball. A team consists of 8 players and played in 57 countries

So, before you think that I don't know my alphabet and wonder since when did the letter 'K' come after the letter 'I,' I will explain that due to an unforeseen (on my part) Korfball tournament, I did a sneaky swap round of the letters 'J' and 'K.' And so, on Saturday, 'K' stood for KORFBALL! Before you ask 'what is Korfball?' there is a short definition right above this! I mean, seriously! Yes, it is a real sport, yes, it is awesome and yes, you should join the club! On Saturday, the 1st and 2nd teams were off to Edinburgh for the SKA Cup tournament!

This wonderful tournament was handicapped, so us lucky 2nds started with some goals before the game had even begun! Without the extra goals, we would have drawn the 1st match, lost the 2nd one and won the 3rd... but we did have those extra goals, so we won the 1st match, still lost the 2nd one (but by a LOT less) and won the 3rd. By goal difference we managed to win the group stage and so had one more match left to decide who came 1st and who came 2nd in the whole tournament! A rather strange phenomena for the 2nd team, especially since the 1sts were battling it out for 7th place!

The 1st team played their final match first and it ended with some tense penalty shots, ending with a smooth shot from Helena, winning the match and placing them in 7th. Then it was time for our final match against Edinburgh Mavericks, would we win or would we lose?! I was ever so nervous, luckily though it's a team game and everyone else seemed to keep their cool and with some awesome shots put up by the team... WE WON!! YAYYY!! The 2nd team had finally won something this season!! The cup was small, but it was a cup!!! 

Back at Uni Hall, there were some celebratory fireworks just for us! (Well, not really but it felt like that) It's days like these when I realise how much I love being part of a team! K-Day was AWESOME!

I love Korfball! <3

Sunday, 28 April 2013

I- Day

'I' for Ice Cream

ice cream, n.  -a smooth, sweet, cold food prepared from a frozen mixture of milk products and flavourings 

Friday was I- Day and 'I' stood for ICE CREAM!! Yummmmyyyy! :D It was meant to be a day of eating ice cream and making ice cream, I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I love ice cream.

The day didn't get particularly themed until after my lab exam (My last bit of coursework before exams!) around 4.30pm. Even though it had unfortunately started raining by this point, I met Jemima, Helen and Jo at Jannettas and we devoured some tasty ice cream, flavours including 'spicy peach and chocolate,' 'alpine avalanche,' and some ginger sorbet! mmmmmmmm.

After Jannettas we took a trip to Tesco and got some home- made ice cream ingredients, recipe credit to Helena! Whipping cream, condensed milk and chocolate! Since my exam started a little late, and I spent far too long trying to decide on a flavour from the millions at Jannettas, it was tea time by the time we got back to halls and so I had to be patient and wait until after proper food before I could start making ice cream!

So when it was finally time to make some ice cream, I whipped up the cream, stirred in the condensed milk, had some fun bashing up chocolate bars and then mixed them in before having to wait another 4 hours for it to freeze (in various mugs since they were the only things small enough to fit in the freezer)! 4 hours!!! How would I ever wait that long!?!?! Somehow I managed it, and I got to sample the ice cream, which turns out maybe needed a bit more than 4 hours, but I couldn't wait any longer! So me, Amy and Vera ate it anyway. It was very creamy and tasty and ice creamy! Yay!

mmmmmm, yummy ice cream!

H- Day

'H' for High-Five

high five, n.  -a gesture of greeting, elation, or victory in which one person slaps an upraised palm against that of another person

On Thursday, 'H' stood for HIGH FIVE. I was hoping it would be a day of fun high five greetings, high fiving random people on the street and going to bed with a sore hand from all the awesome high fives... but that didn't exactly happen :(

There was just something about H- Day that made it the first day of my project that I kept forgetting what day it was! I wouldn't high five anyone until someone happened to ask me what day it was and then I would remember and do a quick high five of everyone in the room. It was very upsetting! There was no 'lots of people stood in a line with their hands out ready for me to run down and high five them all', and what is a high five day without that?!

So High five day wasn't very successful, I didn't go to bed with a sore hand, and I didn't even count how many high fives I actually did get in the end! On the plus side, there was a beautiful, bright, large moon on thursday night! If only I could have high fived the moon...

At least Ice cream day is next!

Saturday, 27 April 2013

G- Day

'G' for Giving

giving, vb.  -freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone)

Getting a little bit behind with this blog now, but I am trying to catch up! On Wednesday 'G' stood for GIVING. Although I feel it is great to be in a giving mood all of the time, I decided to make a day of concentrated giving to my friends.

My friends mean a lot to me and it was nice to give back to them, even if it was only a little bit. There's something comforting about knowing you might have made someone's day a tiny bit better. Plus I enjoyed the funny looks I got when cycling with bunches of flowers poking out of the top of my rucksack. 
I found that when people are expecting gifts, there is a sneaky pressure when trying to know what to get them because you don't want to let them down, but when people aren't expecting anything at all, even something tiny can brighten up their day!

Unfortunately I didn't plan the day very well and only gave gifts to a small number of people and I wish I had given to more people, but you don't need to be told that it's giving day to want to give! Give gifts, give your time, your company, a smile, a hug, anything! You never know, it could possibly be the point in someone's day that turns it from the worst day, into the best one, because you never really know what anyone else is going through. 

G- day has reinforced the notion that giving is such an amazing thing to do. "remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35 I want to be a more giving person, not to receive anything in return, but because it really is amazing watching someone's face light up! The day also made me realise the amount of different kinds of gifts I am receiving every day and how I sometimes forget to stop and appreciate them all! Especially the greatest gift of all, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

So I get the feeling this post has been rather cheesy, but I  guess giving is a little cheesy, that's what's so great about it... right? ...Sharing the love and all!


Thursday, 25 April 2013

F- Day

'F' for Fruit

fruit, n.  -the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food

On Tuesday, 'F' stood for FRUIT. The aim was to eat fruit, drink fruit smoothies and fruit juice, just fruitiness and only fruitiness all day. I tried to go for some of the more adventurous fruits rather than just apples and bananananananas.

I took a trip to Sainsbury's on recommendation that I try some Asian Pears, and also got a mango, some coconut, some pomegranate seeds, a pineapple and an innocent smoothie with pomegranates, blueberries and acai. Tasty! The asian pears were some kind of cross between an apple and a pear with the kind of texture of a watermelon, confusing, but quite nice. I had never bought a whole mango before so wasn't really sure how to tell which one would be a good one, so I happened to pick one that was a little unripe but still tasted nice, although I was struggling to cut it open in any kind of half neat way!

I expected to feel a little hungry during the day, I mean you don't usually think of fruit and think 'mmmmmm so filling!' and although the coconut and smoothie were slightly filling, I found that eating fruit didn't just leave me hungry, it made me feel empty, it's like you taste something sweet and trick your body into thinking its something really good like a donut... but then you swallow and there's not really much there and your stomach gets upset and cries and feels all empty because the donut never turned up :( So sad!

From F- Day, I have realised that I really lovely lasagne and donuts, separately though, but maybe a donut lasagne could work... probably not though, actually just no. Ooohh and pizza, can't forget pizza!

6/26ths of the way through!

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

E- Day

'E' for...

Well, lets see, 'E' was meant to be for EARLY...

early, adv.  -before the expected or usual time

...and I did manage to be early for breakfast and go to bed relatively early in the evening, but I also kind of forgot to do my essay that was in for 5pm, so it could have been 'E' for ESSAY day...

essay, n.  -a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject

...but unfortunately and very sadly, it ended up as more of an 'E' for EPIC FAIL day! :(

epic fail, n.  -the highest form of fail known to man. Reaching this level means only one thing: you must die, or the world will fail itself due to such an extreme level of failage!

I will explain, since I was up nice and early and only had one lecture that day, I believed I had adequate time to write my 2,000 word essay on 'The Church and the State in Chile ca. 1973-1990' and even hand it in a tiny bit early to comply with the original them of the day. It turns out, I did not have adequate time... not at all! (well, almost) The problem I had was with the referencing which, as usual, took me longer than expected, not too much longer, but long enough! So the point is, the deadline to upload was 17:00, and the time I uploaded it? ...17:01... really! GUTTED. That was the early theme over!

In my defence, I would just like to let you know, that there are things I can be early for, such as trains or planes (I feel I have somewhat of a phobia of missing public transport times), things I really enjoy doing because I obviously would not want to miss a minute of having fun! and things that are really important or have people depending on me because I don't really want to let anyone down! However, mostly from 'E'- day, I have learnt that being early can sometimes be a waste of time, what you really need to be, is ON TIME! I promise to everyone that knows me, I'm working on it! :)

Let's hope F- Day goes more to plan!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

D- Day

'D' for Doodle

doodle, vb.  -to scribble or draw aimlessly

The aim of today was to wear a t-shirt all day that people could doodle on. (There was also a challenge to get 2 specific people to doodle on it, but I unfortunately failed in that challenge! Ah well.) I thought the doodle top would be a nice thing for people to contribute to and another way to remember my random project other than this blog!

I guess there isn't really much to write about D-Day, I wore the t-shirt and it got doodled on! Since it was a Sunday, I had lots of friends from church filling in a lot of it and then when I got back, C floor people hogged most of the space before I went on a door-knocking rampage!

The t-shirt got well and truly filled up! (Well, mostly... there were some obviously placed gaps). Some doodles were a lot more artistic than others, I especially enjoyed Matt's elephant which he felt required an "I am an elephant" written underneath it. Someone drew a 'Sammy the seal,' someone drew Australia which someone else commented on thinking it was a fried egg... poor Australia. I got a cute picture of a dinosaur, a caterpillar, a spider, a cat, some cartoon faces, a smiling boy, quite a few flowers, some very messy writing, a potato from Irish Amy, a leprechaun, a whale, 'Annie the Asian Penguin,' polka dots that looked like a lego brick... a very eclectic mix of things indeed!

I hope everyone that doodled on my doodle top enjoyed themselves!

Here are the doodles!

Monday, 22 April 2013

C- Day

'C' for Crown... kind of

crown, n.  -any of various types of headgear, often made of precious metal and set with gems

Saturday was supposed to be 'C' for CROWN day which I started with what I feel was a well earned lie in after 'A' and 'B' days. I was meant to be wearing a crown all day (which actually was more of a tiara if we're being specific anyway) but it didn't quite go to plan...

I did begin the awake part of my day off well and wore my crown to hall lunch, I also accidentally made someone think it was national crown day, which, by the way, doesn't actually exist... although 'national crown roast of pork day' apparently is actually a thing... who knew!? (March 7th if anyone wants to put that one in their diaries for next year!)
I then needed to take a trip into town to get some supplies for D- Day, this was by far the most interesting part of the day as people on the street would quite openly give me and odd look or a quick laugh as they walked past, (luckily I had Helen with me for moral support) but the people serving me in  the shops had to be a bit more subtle. I sensed they wanted to say something but didn't want to offend their customer in case I may never return to give them some more money... or they were just considering that maybe I'm just too fashion forward for words!

After getting back from this trip, the day seemed to take a turn into more of a 'C' for Cop-out day. 
cop-out, n. slang  -a person who fails to fulfil a commitment or responsibility
I stayed in my room for most of the afternoon and then when I had to leave for Under Canvas I changed from a more prominent crown into a more festival style appropriate head band which I'm not too sure whether it could really count as a crown or not, it had gold leaves on it, which could be perceived as some kind of crown... right?

Since it was Under Canvas I was going to (which was awesome, just saying, thanks to everyone who helped organise it and persuaded me to go!), it could have also counted as 'C' for Canvas day.
canvas, n.  -a closely woven, heavy cloth of cotton, hemp, or linen, used esp. for tents, sails, etc
So I guess that somehow, although it was a bit of a mish-mash of different things beginning with 'C', it still managed to be a pretty successful C- Day!

Hopefully D- Day will go more to plan!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

B- Day

'B' for Beach

beach, n.  -The shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly

Friday was 'B' for BEACH day and probably so far also the Best day! We were truly blessed with some amazing weather to compliment my 3 trips to the beach during the day.

My first trip to the beach was down to West Sands. I somehow managed to wake up at 7am (even after my very long day the day before) and meet Vera for a (very slow on my part) jog on the beach. I feel that living in St Andrews you have to do this at least once for the token 'Chariots of Fire' moment. I especially enjoyed the moment Vera declared that "it feels like we're running through the sky!" 

Due to lectures and my geology lab I had in the afternoon, my next trip to the beach wasn't until 4.30pm, but it was probably the most fun time of the day. Me and Amy went for a quick trip to Tesco for mini picnic supplies consisting of popcorn, doritos, cookies, grapes and fruit twist Fanta which I prefer to call Rainbow Juice (Not that I've ever tasted a rainbow, but it's what they would taste like in my head... somehow).
So we got to the beach, set out the mat, got some chilled music playing and tried playing frisbee... where we found out that a freebie frisbee given out on the street in January isn't really the best frisbee to play with! So instead the 12 of us played a hybrid game of rounders with a tennis racket and ball which was much more enjoyable! (Possibly just because I was in the winning team which we aptly named "The Pink Ladies" since we were mostly all wearing some form of pink at the time). Running on sand also proved hard on my tights which turned into some kind of one foot in the tights and one out as the seem ripped... definitely next season's style!

Steph thought it would be a good idea to play some Baywatch music and run down to the water where Emma wanted to take some 'epic jump photos' which seem to make her far too happy. I then somehow managed to lose my balance whilst trying to take these photos and proceeded to fall over into the shallow water (which was FREEZING by the way) and wet sand which I was then covered in for the walk back to Uni Hall.

After dinner that night, we walked over to East Sands for our beach day bonfire. Unfortunately we weren't too prepared for this and although we did get a small fire going in the end, I'm not entirely sure if it could be named a bonfire, more like... a candle maybe? But we made the best of it and had a great time all the same! Roasting marshmallows, eating the food left over from the picnic, pretending we could actually play the ukulele to create 'bonfire atmosphere' and ending the night with a trip to the infamous toastie bar!

Whilst the day was a lot of fun, I must have a ton of sand around my room and in the bin left over from everything that found its way into my pockets, in my bag, in my shoes, stuck to my skin... could always take a quick look at it under my hand lens and identify some minerals... maybe not though. From the sand blowing around in the food, I must have also consumed quite a lot of sand too... but no side effects yet, so all is still well in Sasha Land!

Bring on the rest of the Alphabet!

Friday, 19 April 2013

A- Day

'A' for Awake

awake, adj.  -Completely conscious; not in a state of sleep

I was hoping to write this yesterday, but since I'd been awake for almost 25 hours when I got a free moment... I chose to sleep instead!

So yesterday 'A' stood for AWAKE. The aim was to stay awake from midnight to midnight, and watch the film 'Awake' just to make it a tiny bit more of an 'awake' day, not that you can really get much more awake than being awake....

With all those extra hours I had in the morning before breakfast and lectures, I thought I would get the chance to do some things that I might not usually have the time for, write a letter to my friend, read a book... tidy my room. But no. Instead I spent almost the whole time trying to finish the worst assignment ever assigned for Sustainable Development...Worst. EVER! ...Seriously!
I did, however manage to watch Awake which maybe isn't the best film to be watching at 4 in the morning when you kind of feel a bit ill because you're really hungry and then you watch someones chest being clamped open ready for a heart transplant, all while the poor guy can still feel his heart being ripped out and hear his friends plotting to kill him...

I learnt from the day that lack of sleep makes me perpetually hungry and I can somehow still manage to want food after eating one dinner in halls and then another amazing dinner at homegroup half an hour later! (credit going to Jon's amazing cooking and Alexander's awesome skills of going all the way to tesco and buying pudding!) But apart from that, and finding out that even after half a can, red bull is a severe diuretic, I feel I coped pretty well with staying awake, I would even go as far to say that it was a great day! Finally finished my assignment never to be seen again, went to my lectures, finished off some more work, went to homegroup and sang at After Dark.  All in a good (25 hour long) day's work!

Catch you later for B- Day!

Thursday, 18 April 2013


What happens when lab gets cancelled...

So when my lab got cancelled last week and I had nothing better to do than sit around listening to music and generally procrastinate... I had an idea! An idea that formed while listening to the beautiful song 'Life in Letters' by Lucy Shwartz.

Most of the time when I have an idea, I tell someone about it, they shoot it down and I take a few hours to say a sad goodbye to my most recent dream and then move on... but this time when I told someone, I was shocked when they actually thought it was an interesting idea, so I vowed to go ahead with The 26 Days of the Alphabet and create my life (for 26 days) in letters!

So the plan is, each day has a theme with challenges or aims for whichever letter of the alphabet corresponds to that day, starting today (Thursday 18th April 2013) with the letter 'A' of course. And since, in the words of Lucy 'We are just stories, so here's mine to tell' I will blog about each days rules or aims and how the day went.

Why?? I hear you ask... errmmm.... I'm not really sure why, severe procrastination, possible self motivation and encouragement to actually do something in the weeks when I have no lectures, possibly in the hope that something interesting might come out of it... who knows... but I'm doing it anyway!

So, the list of letters:

A- Awake
B- Beach
C- Crown
D- Doodle
E- Early
F- Fruit
G- Give
H- High-five
I- Ice-cream
J- Jump
K- Kate Middleton
L- Love-hearts
M- Music
N- Narrate
O- Odd
P- Party
Q- Question
R- Record
S- Study
T- Time Capsule
U- Ukulele
V- Victory
W- Write
X- X marks the spot
Y- Yo-yo
Z- Zone

These are subject to change if I or anyone else has a better idea that I agree with, so if you do, let me know!